New/Updated Features
Proposal Download Settings
When the broker clicks download a PDF Proposal, launch an overlay to ask the user:
- What kind of Appendix do they want to display? Do they want to download it with no appendix, just the selected plans, or all the available plans for the selected carriers (default is selected plans)?
- What payment frequency to display based on prices – Monthly, Semi-Monthly, Bi-Weekly or Weekly (default is monthly).
The appendix of the proposal has also been updated to show costs for the medical enrollment tiers.

New All Savers & Oxford Level Funding Employee Applications
Benefitter will now produce the most recent All Savers/Oxford Level Funding employee applications/medical questionnaire.
All Savers Census-Based Underwriting Thresholds Updates
IA, IL, KS, KY, MO, NE: census-based underwriting allowed for 10+ Enrolling Employees through 6/1 Effective Dates; increasing to 20+ Enrolling Employees starting 7/1
AZ, CO, FL, GA, ID, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MS, NJ, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, WY: census-based underwriting allowed for 10+ Enrolling Employees indefinitely
CT, IN, WI, WV: threshold for census-based underwriting increasing to 20+ Enrolling Employees for 4/1 Effective Dates
DE, MD, NC, OK, SC, VI, WA: census-based underwriting allowed for 20+ Enrolling Employees indefinitely
AL: census-based underwriting allowed for 5+ Enrolling Employees indefinitely
NM: census-based underwriting allowed for 15+ Enrolling Employees indefinitely
OH: all groups required to complete medical questionnaires
ND: census-based underwriting allowed for 13+ Enrolling Employees indefinitely
New Medical Data
Direct Medical Data
State | Year | Quarter | Carrier |
AL | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
AZ | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
CA | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
CO | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
CT | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
CT | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
FL | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
GA | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
GA | 2021 | Q3 | Kaiser |
HI | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
ID | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
IA | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
IL | 2021 | Q3 | BCBS |
IL | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
IN | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
IN | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
KS | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
KY | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
KY | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
LA | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
ME | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
MI | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
MN | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
MO | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
MO | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
ND | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
NE | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
NH | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
NH | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
NY | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
NY | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
NV | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
OH | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
OH | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
OK | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
RI | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
SD | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
TX | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
UT | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
VA | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
WI | 2021 | Q3 | Anthem |
WI | 2021 | Q3 | UHC |
Third-Party Medical Data
State | Year | Quarter | Carrier |
Arizona | 2021 | Q3 | BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona |
California | 2021 | Q3 | BlueShield of California |
Colorado | 2021 | Q3 | Aetna |
Georgia | 2021 | Q3 | Cigna + Oscar |
Tennessee | 2021 | Q3 | Cigna + Oscar |
Washington | 2021 | Q3 | Aetna |
West Virginia | 2021 | Q3 | Highmark BlueCross BlueShield |
Nevada | 2021 | Q3 | Health Plan of Nevada |
Wisconsin | 2021 | Q3 | Health Tradition Health Plan |
Bug Fixes
All Savers – Replay Guided Tour at Proposal
Bug description: “Replay Guided Tour” option is appearing at Proposal
The Guided Tour option should only appear at the Underwriting step 2 section
Manual Plan – The bottom of the screen is under navigation bar
Bug Description: The Manual plan screen is getting under the navigation bar on the bottom of the screen if the browser is smaller than the fields space.
Scroll bar now ends on top of the navigation bar so the bottom fields can always be edited.
All Savers Employee App download showing up no apps available
Bug Description: Employee app PDF download option is showing up when there are no apps available to download – should only show up when applicable
Proposal Download – $0 costs in the appendix for selected plans
Bug description: The monthly cost show $0 in the appendix for the selected plans on a proposal.
The monthly cost should appear in the appendix for the selected plans on a proposal.
All Savers Employee Elections – Enrollment spreadsheet overrides electronic enrollment
Bug Description: When uploading the spreadsheet, a pop-up message shows that the spreadsheet was missing 4 employees and marked as Declined for all insurance enrollment. After selecting continue, the first employee who completed the electronic was marked as declined, and the rest of the employees has not been included in the spreadsheet. Spreadsheet overrides the electronic enrollment even though the status remained “Completed electronically” and the elections were still complete.
Should be able to upload spreadsheet for some employees without overriding existing enrollments from other employees in the same group.
Information message of questionnaire to Not Eligible EE
Bug Description: After the spreadsheet is uploaded, there is a pop up message of EE name “G” missing the required questionnaire, but the EE G is Not Eligible. The message should not show to Not eligible EEs
All Savers – Election – The rule for dependent w/ disability is not reflected in FL
Bug Description:
Children enrolling in their parent’s medical insurance need to be 25 year old or younger (in Florida it’s 30 years old or younger).”
But the question in FL cases is not reflecting this FL specific rule.
All Savers Employer Application Step 4 of 5 – Account Number last digit only half hidden
Bug Description: The hidden view for the Account Number is only hiding half of the last typed digit.