Benefitter Pipeline Report – Report Key

This help page is a guide to the Benefitter Pipeline Report. This report is sent Monday-Wednesday-Friday. If your market is a stoplight market, the pipeline report will also contain stoplight data.

Report Key

a) Market – Name of Market that the Group is in

b) AE – First Name & Last Name of AE for Group

c) Firm – Name of Firm/Agency that owns the Group

d) Created By – First Name & Last name of the Benefitter user who created the group

e) Presenting Broker – Name of the Producer for the group

f) Client – Company Name of the client input in Benefitter

g) Client Created Date – MM/DD/YYY that the group was created in Benefitter

h) Effective Date – Effective date of the proposal. If there is more than one proposal for group in Benefitter, this will be the most recently updated proposal in Benefitter

i) SIC Code

j) Members – Total Number of employees + dependents

k) Enrolling Employees – Total Number of employees enrolling in medical coverage

l) Participation % – Enrolling Employees / Eligible Employees

m) City

n) State

o) ZIP

p) County

q) GA – Name of General Agency if there is one attached to the group

r) VO – Yes if proposal was originally created by VO, otherwise No

s) UHC Dental Quote – Yes if group is quoting UHC Dental, otherwise No

t) UHC Vision Quote – Yes if group is quoting UHC Vision, otherwise No

u) UHC Life Quote -Yes if group is quoting UHC Life, otherwise No

v) UHC Medical Quote (FI) – Yes if group is quoting UHC Fully Insured Medical, otherwise No

w) UHC Enrollment Start Date (FI) – Date the Fully Insured Medical enrollment was created in Benefitter

x) UHC Enrollment End Date (FI) – Employee Election end date indicated on the enrollment in Benefitter

y) UHC Street Quote (LF) – Yes if group is quoting UHC Level Funded Medical, otherwise No

z) Current Status (LF) – Indicates the current underwriting status of the group. Please note this will only reflect the underwriting status of groups submitting using Benefitter

aa) Current Status Date (LF) – Date the that the group received the current LF status

ab) Prelim Submit Date (LF) – Date the group has been submitted for Level Funded preliminary underwriting in Benefitter.

ac) Prelim Received Date (LF) – Date the group receives preliminary underwriting in Benefitter

ad) Enrollment Start Date (LF) – Date the Level Funded medical enrollment is created in Benefitter

ae) Enrollment End Date (LF) – Employee Election end date indicated on the enrollment in Benefitter

af) Final Quote Submit Date (LF) – Date the group is submitted for final quote in Benefitter

ag) Final Quote Received Date (LF) – Date the group receives final quote in Benefitter

ah) Install Submit Date (LF) – Date group is submitted for installation in Benefitter

ai) Policy Issue Date (LF) – Date of policy issued