Step 1: You will receive an email notifying you that your account is ready to be activated. Click on the Activate Account button in the body of the email. Or Copy – and Paste the link in email message into your preferred internet browser. The browsers that work best with Benefitter are Chrome; Edge; or FireFox.

If you do not receive an email, please contact your GA representative for assistance.
Step 2: Activate your Benefitter account
The system will traverse you to the agent profile page. Click on the add profile photo link to upload your photo. Enter your UHC Producer Code, and upload your firm’s logo. Enter your National Producer Number (NPN). If you do not know your NPN or Agency NPN click on the lookup NPN link to search for the number. To create a password enter the password, then enter it again in the confirm password column. The password must include at least 1 number, and the password must be at least 8 characters in length. To finalize your activation, click on the terms and conditions link. After reviewing the terms and conditions document, click on the terms and conditions checkbox and press the Activate button.

3. Step Authentication Account Process
The system will route you to the Validate your Identity screen. You will receive an email that contains the verification code to enter on the page. After entering the code press verify.

The system will route you to the agent home page. The activation process has been completed.

Click here to look at the account activation video.