Your Homepage
Log into Benefitter from in your internet browser. (Note: HealthMarkets agents should instead use Enter your email and password and click on Login.

This will bring you to your agent homepage.
The agent homepage displays a card for each client you’ve created. Click on a client’s card to open their homepage or click on the ‘+’ icon to create a new client.

To access your profile, click on the triangle to the right of your user name and then click on the Profile option.

Navigating within a Client
From the client homepage, you can access information about the company, create additional proposals, create enrollment campaigns, and generate Agent of Record letters .

Navigation within Benefitter is based on layers. To leave any layer, click on the X on the upper-right. If you are within a proposal, enrollment, census, or AOR, this will bring you back to the client homepage.

From the client homepage, click on the X on the upper right to return to the agent homepage.

Next: Where to go from here